Hi Life Style World Team,
I’m Andy, co-founder at Happify. While researching how style ties to happiness, I came across Life Style World. I wanted to reach out and say how much I’ve truly enjoyed reading through your site and was hoping you'd be interested in trying out our Happify Pioneer Program.
Happify is a NYC based company with a vision to bring the science of happiness to mass market in an entirely new way. We are led by a group of proven serial entrepreneurs who have teamed up with the leading scientists and coaches in happiness research and training. Our goal is to provide users with an innovative new product (online/mobile experience) that uses media, interactive activities and games to help users form daily happiness habits and build social connections with like minded happiness seekers.
We are looking for a select group of Pioneers to test-drive an early version of the service and be given the opportunity to substantially grow a following through quick, inspiring activities and posts.
Please take a look at the link below for more information, and sign up if you're interested in jumping on board.
Similar to what Pinterest did in their early stages, Pioneers will be automatically followed by many of our early users, so you can substantially increase your audience as Happify continues to grow. Your posts will also have priority placement in our “Featured Content” section on our home page.
If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to email me.
Thanks so much for your time,
Andy Parsons
Co-Founder, Happify
If you no longer wish to receive Happify emails, simply click "Remove": Remove |
Happify 41 E. 11th St, Floor 11, Ste 17 New York, NY US

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